If you’ve been following the podcast for a little while, you might have heard me mention Welkin Memorials a time or two. I’m thrilled to share that Welkin’s founder, Kate Anderson, is joining us today to talk about her story, grief journey, and Welkin Memorials urns, of course!
She gives a beautiful perspective on finding gains from your losses. I love the story of how she came to create truly the most aesthetically pleasing urns you will ever see in your life.
Kate has some really amazing insights on grief and loss and how to cope with this, especially after going through her own journey of losing her dad two weeks before she turned 22. To say she is the epitome of turning losses into gains is an understatement! I just had to have her on the podcast for that and so many other reasons, and I’m so grateful that she agreed to chat with us.
Where to Listen:
Apple Podcasts
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iHeart Radio
Samsung Podcasts: just search “Losses Become Gains Podcast” in the app!
Connect with me further!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lossesbecomegainspodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lossesbecomegainspodcast
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/lossesbecomegainspodcast
Website: https://lossesbecomegains.com/
Grief Becomes Gains Online Course: https://lossesbecomegains.com/courses
Special Offer on Welkin Memorials Urns
Don’t forget Welkin Memorials is giving you 10% off any urn with code LBG10 at checkout! Click here for more: Tara’s Faves
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This podcast is for educational purposes only. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any necessary therapy or counseling to address deeper, past-focused traumas. We don’t attempt to give answers, fix, diagnose, or treat grief. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.
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