Hey there!
My name is Tara

Pssst... see the tattoo on my arm in this pic? That's the date of my parent's wedding anniversary. They were my inspiration for creating Losses Become Gains... and two pieces of body art (I have another on my other arm!).

Why dive into my saga of grief and tragedy before you even know anything about me, right? Well, I'm a Grief and Transformational Life Coach based in the Sonoma Valley of California.

I'm all about... a quality cappuccino with an almond croissant. Going on adventures with my husband... but I take DAYS to unpack after we get home. I live for my afternoon walks, honeysuckle candles give me all the nostalgia, and I'm a believer that nothing slows down time like sitting outside on a warm summer night.

Hey there!
I'm Tara

Hey there!
My name is Tara

I'm all about... a quality cappuccino with an almond croissant. Going on adventures with my husband... but I take DAYS to unpack after we get home. I live for my afternoon walks, honeysuckle candles give me all the nostalgia, and I'm a believer that nothing slows down time like sitting outside on a warm summer night.

Why dive into my saga of grief and tragedy before you even know anything about me, right? Well, I'm a Grief and Transformational Life Coach based in the Sonoma Valley of California.

Pssst... see the tattoo on my arm in this pic? That's the date of my parent's wedding anniversary. They were my inspiration for creating Losses Become Gains... and two pieces of body art (I have another on my other arm!).

One of my favorite childhood memories is catching—and lovingly releasing—fireflies on the East Coast where I was born (shout out to New Jersey). We then moved to Pennsylvania for several years, California when I was 10 years old, and the rest is history... ish.

Losses Become Gains came to fruition in February 2021. There came a point in my journey of loss where I just knew all of this loss just couldn't be for nothing... pretty simple, really. But getting to this point? Not so easy. I didn't know what LBG would look like at the time, I just knew it was meant to exist.

I feel called to help people cope and get through their grief, too. I feel your pain, I see you, and I want to provide tools to help.

After some time, I knew I had to take some action. Enter—Losses Become Gains (which I lovingly refer to as "LBG"). A founding principle of LBG is to make this process as human to human as possible, because it's a very human thing to experience loss. But there’s more to me than my story of grief, loss, and finding my gains. Just as you are so much more than your loss.

Life is too short not to live it as happily as possible... Yes, even after a major (or even minor) loss. But sometimes in the thick of grief, it's nearly impossible to see the other side. This sound familiar?

I enjoy getting to know people on a deep level, and I'm a pretty open book. Okay, I'm actually a REALLY open book. Especially when it comes to my losses. If someone is comfortable, I'm the type to sit down and say, "alright, let's go there" and get really into it. That's how I roll. Zero shame game over here.

No matter the kind of loss you're going through—the loss of a loved one, a cherished pet, relationship, job—the principles of grief can feel the same. Bottom line, coping with a "new normal" can be relatable across the board. I want to help you get there and be there for you.

I want to be real with you...

I'm so excited for you to meet my family, and to share their memory with you. They're the three reasons I created Losses Become Gains, and losing each of them has changed my life profoundly—just as I have no doubt your loved ones have changed yours, too.

They're my North Stars, the "why" behind everything I do, and made me into the person I am today. 

But I've had a passion for teaching, guiding, and writing for a very, very long time, too. My family always believed in me, and long story short... Losses Become Gains wouldn't exist if it weren't for them.

And my dog, Princess. She was 19!

Meet my parents, Greg and Lori


New here? Ready to begin your healing experience? This is where to start.

THE podcast

The Life With Grief Podcast is here to help redefine and challenge your grief. We dig into conversations around the difficulties of heartbreaking loss, coping tools, the messy parts of grief we don't always hear about, get into some amazing chats with guests, and discover ways to move through your grief to live the big, beautiful life you deserve after loss!

listen & watch now:

Drop me a line and I'll feature it as a topic on the podcast!

Grief does not obey your plans, or your wishes. Grief will do whaever it wants to you, whenever it wants to. In that regard, Grief has a lot in common with Love.

- Elizabeth Gilbert

Everything in business is learnable, fixable, and figureoutable.

You don't have to be a workaholic
to be successful. Really.

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the joy sparking things in life... because I love me a good lifestyle quiz. Grab your coffee (or whatever your go-to bev is) and let's see what we have in common!











Audrey Hepburn

An archaeologist

Aviation or Aprerol Spritz

Cheddar Cheese & Sour Cream chips

Snakes... we are NOT friends

Write a book!

Horrible reality TV shows...
or Sex and the City

I have so many, but Florence, Italy is probably my all-time

Carrot cake! We served this at our wedding, too

A cappuccino, 100%