there are three ways to work with me

hey there, friend!

Chances are you might be going through a difficult time right now, and I want to support and guide you through that however I can!

My purpose, my "why" in life, is really to be a healer of the heart, mind, and soul—particularly those who are journeying through grief, but really beyond our grief, too!

That's why I also offer Transformational Life Coaching, another deep passion of mine that stemmed from my grief journey and rediscovering what it meant to truly transform your life into something that lights you up.

explore 1:1 grief coaching

explore 1:1 life coaching

explore the membership

Learn more about the types of coaching and help I provide here.

Not sure which type of support might be best for you? I have a lil' four-question quiz to help you along.

I'm a girl who loves a great cappuccino alongside the perfect almond croissant. I grew up on the East Coast (hey, New Jersey and Pennsylvania!) before moving to California when I was 10. 

I'm also someone who lost both of her parents to cancer within six months of each other, followed by my sweet 19-year-old fur baby a year later.

I created Losses Become Gains in 2022, and it's my own experience with grief, my education, and mindset that enabled me to find my "why" in life: help fellow grievers navigate their grief, too. 

Meet Tara

Certified Grief Coach. Soul Purpose & Transformational Life Coach. Girl mom. Grieving daughter.

I can't wait until we have our session, I really enjoy them. Talking to you has made such a difference. I knew I needed to talk to someone but made up my mind that I wasn't going to use a counselor. Thank you for being my coach and if for nothing else just listening. I love the "homework" I can tell I am not the same person I was a couple of years ago!!!


While some coaches only focus on grief alone, in my experience, I've realized there is so much more below the surface that we need to address. It's not just working through that initial period of loss. This is a lifelong journey, our grief lasts a lifetime, and it goes way deeper than most people think. 


You have countless coaches to choose from, but my "secret sauce" is that I combine my diverse training from both Grief Coaching and Soul Purpose Coaching to bring you the most well-rounded, comprehensive, unique grief coaching experience you could ask for—whether you work with me through Grief Coaching or Transformational Life Coaching.

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