Hi, I'm Tara!

understand and cope with their grief from a holistic perspective—from how it affects our brain, body, mind, and soul—and guide them along a long-lasting healing journey from the inside out.

I'm a girl who loves a great cappuccino alongside the perfect almond croissant. I grew up on the East Coast (hey, New Jersey and Pennsylvania!) before moving to California when I was 10. 

I'm also someone who lost both of her parents to cancer within six months of each other, followed by my sweet 19-year-old fur baby a year later.

I created Losses Become Gains in 2022, and it's my own experience with grief, my education, and mindset that enabled me to find my "why" in life: help fellow grievers navigate their grief, too. 

Meet Tara

Certified Grief Coach. Soul Purpose & Transformational Life Coach. Girl mom-to-be. Grieving daughter.

I can't wait until we have our session, I really enjoy them. Talking to you has made such a difference. I knew I needed to talk to someone but made up my mind that I wasn't going to use a counselor. Thank you for being my coach and if for nothing else just listening. I love the "homework" I can tell I am not the same person I was a couple of years ago!!!


To get to this "better place", we really have to get to know our grief! To understand it and how it affects us mentally, physically, and beyond. It's about understanding that our losses and our grief will always be with us, and it's now a part of our story. That is something that can be incredibly empowering.

Now, it's figuring out how to cope with the day-to-day, one step at a time, in a way that gives us grace and permission to make our journey exactly what it needs to be.

My grief philosophy

The approach I take is more comprehensive. It's not only learning how to cope with the "in your face" grief. It's how to move forward to discover a life we love and are proud of.

By challenging our grief, we're opening our minds, hearts, and souls up to something bigger than ourselves.

We come to know and understand there's more to learn here.

While some coaches only focus on grief alone, in my experience, I've realized there is so much more below the surface that we need to address. It's not just working through that initial period of loss. This is a lifelong journey, our grief lasts a lifetime, and it goes way deeper than most people think. 

Why work with me

You have countless coaches to choose from, but my "secret sauce" is that I combine my diverse training from both Grief Coaching and Soul Purpose Coaching to bring you the most well-rounded, comprehensive, unique grief coaching experience you could ask for. 

book a chemistry call

Or, email hello@lossesbecomegains.com to get the conversation started!

We need to rediscover ourselves after a loss, and that is the lens through which I coach to provide you the most appropriate healing, resources, tools, guidance.

I am a deeply empathetic, understanding soul and healer. I pride myself on intentionally listening to my clients with care and compassion, and this active listening goes beyond what you say out loud. It's the "in between the lines" that I pay close attention to, too. Think of me as your "north star". My name does mean "star" in Sanskrit, after all!

I offer a few different ways in which you can work with me, ranging from pay-as-you-go coaching to 3+ month programs.

Learn more about each option and package below!

explore individual sessions

This pay-as-you-go 1:1 coaching session is perfect for those who prefer a more flexible approach to their grief healing journey.

If you're looking for a little accountability, guidance on your grief journey, and occasional check-ins to support you, this is an ideal offering for you!

Simply choose the session date and time that works best for you to align with your needs and schedule.


The Luna Program includes one month of grief coaching sessions (four sessions total). 

This program is a great way to get your feet wet with coaching. It's the perfect option if you have a specific area to focus on for a short time, want to determine if long-term coaching is for you, and to take a step to begin your healing journey.


The Stella Program includes three months of grief coaching sessions (12 sessions total).

Stella means "stars" in Italian, and that's exactly what we'll be reaching for here! Three months of hands-on coaching is where you'll begin to transform your life from just "existing" and feeling lost, unsure of where to turn next, to discovering hope, a renewed sense of self, and rediscovery of life after loss.

This level of coaching empowers you to dig deep and get into the root of your grief, and discover how and why it is affecting your ability to move forward.

We use this time to not only help you identify the most crippling parts of your grief and address those, but we begin to look at what discovering true joy, fulfillment, and meaning in life after loss looks like for you in a tangible, action-focused way.

For coaching programs over three months, the best way to do this is to have a chat and talk about exactly what you're looking for, what I can offer you, and see if we're a good fit!

When working with a coach for an extended period of time, I think it's more important than ever to find your perfect fit. I hope I can be that for you!

book a chemistry call

Or, email hello@lossesbecomegains.com to get the conversation started!

pay-as-you-go coaching

the luna program | one month

the stella program | three months

longer term coaching programs