led by grief coach tara accardo

join today!

In 14 days I will guide you through powerful stress and grief relief strategies, including mindset shifts, meditations, breath work, manifesting techniques, and methods to set you up for joy, clarity, and peace in your day-to-day life with grief.

led by grief coach tara accardo

led by grief coach tara accardo



One of the biggest struggles I hear from my members and clients is that they just need some relief from the stress, sadness, and pain that grief and loss can cause.

But here’s the thing...

So many people are lost and unsure about where to start. This can feel like a huge thing to tackle, so we’re doing it together, and we’re starting with just 14 days.

This really goes beyond your grief, my friend. My goal is to set you up for success with all of the stress, complexities, and layers that navigating life with grief can bring us.
I want to help you transform your life for the long term, and finding a little relief in our grief when and if we need it is the perfect place to start. 



What do you have to lose by joining? Challenge your grief and give yourself some relief, my friend. I have no doubt this 14 days will be an inspiring, uplifting, perspective changing experience for you.

And I will help you begin to take that anxiety, heartache, and anguish and turn it into peace, clarity, and hope as you move forward. 

give me two weeks...

I owe you so much for your help these past few months. I noticed on my fitbit that I have a place for daily meditation and I have actually started utilizing it these past few days and can already see a difference. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being my coach and helping me figure all of this out. Not quite there but I am not where I was when we first started talking.

— Amy J.

In this experience, you'll receive 14 days of meditations (yes, that means you get literally 14 new and unique meditations!), and each day I'll chat with you about a different highly important topic that will help you evolve in your healing journey.

Here are some of the things we'll cover:

what does this include?

Power of your “why"
The art and essence of just being
Connecting to your breath
Presence and grounding
Emotional self regulation
Your nervous system
Higher vs. lower brain thinking
Releasing judgment
Being realistic and motivated moving forward
Keeping the momentum long term
Energy shifting and manifesting your greatest life

These, and so much more!
This is such a beautiful and special experience, my friend. I can't wait for you to join me.