I’m so excited to bring you a special episode this week in honor of me turning 33 on February 2nd: 3 Things I’ve Learned at 33 Years Old.
Truthfully, there are a lot of things I’ve learned in my 33 years here Earthside so far. But, given I can’t talk your ear off for too long, I narrowed it down to three major life lessons that I can’t wait to share with you.
Without giving too much away up front, we’re digging into topics like:
- The timing of things in life and “shoulda, woulda, couldas”.
- Understanding hustle culture.
- Moving “forward” vs. moving “on”.
- Tapping into and owning our unique magic that we bring.
- The value of being open-minded and open to change.
- How we’re not guaranteed anything in life, and how we cope with adversity in terms of growth and personal development.
I think it’s important to do a reflection every now and again to see how far we’ve come, what we’re learning along the way, and the ways we’ve grown with the beauty of age.
Because truly, as unsettling as getting older can be at times, the wisdom we can gain from more time and life experiences is second to none. It’s something I wouldn’t change for the world, and I hope this episode resonates with you today!
Once you listen, if there’s anything that jumped out at you or is something you resonate with, I’d love to hear from you! Drop a comment or DM on Instagram and share your thoughts.
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