This is quite a topic today! I’m sharing 8 ways I have changed since the deaths of my parents. Having lost them both fairly quickly and close together, there’s a lot to dig into that I couldn’t wait to share with you in this powerful solo episode.
This episode is for you if you’re having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re trying to figure out what the heck there is to learn from loss and adversity, and how to incorporate grief into your life. How to see ANY positives or growth in what you’ve been through… I’m here to give a little encouragement, inspiration, and some important insights to noodle on today!
Where to Listen:
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Samsung Podcasts: just search “Losses Become Gains Podcast” in the app!
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Grief Becomes Gains Online Course:
Episode on Grief Work mentioned in this episode:
Don’t forget Welkin Memorials is giving you 10% off any urn with code LBG10 at checkout! Click here for more: Tara’s Faves
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This podcast is for educational purposes only. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any necessary therapy or counseling to address deeper, past-focused traumas. We don’t attempt to give answers, fix, diagnose, or treat grief. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.
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