The topic of grief and how it affects our relationships continues! I feel like this is a really natural continuation of last week’s episode with my husband, John. If you haven’t listened to that one yet, definitely go check that out! It is a pretty juicy one—that is episode 9 of the podcast.

A light haired girl in a navy blue sweater and light green glasses smiling at the camera

In this episode, I’m getting a fellow girlfriend’s perspective on relationships and grief and chatting with Shea Wingate. She is a Licensed Therapist and Grief Coach, and truly has a breadth of knowledge when it comes to the grief space. But not only that, Shea has a very painful firsthand experience with loss as well. She goes more in-depth into this in this episode, but the long and short of it is she lost her mom, dad, and sister all in less than two years.

Today, I really wanted to introduce you to her and her story because I think so many aspects of it are things you may be able to relate to or see parts of your own grief in. I know I certainly did. And, with both of us having been in relationships as we were losing the most important people in our lives, she and I had a LOT to talk about here and what that looked like and how it affected us and our partners.

Where to Listen:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Amazon Music
iHeart Radio
Samsung Podcasts: just search “Losses Become Gains Podcast” in the app!

Where to connect with Shea:


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Grief Becomes Gains Online Course:

Don’t forget Welkin Memorials is giving you 10% off any urn with code LBG10 at checkout! Click here for more: Tara’s Faves

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This podcast is for educational purposes only. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any necessary therapy or counseling to address deeper, past-focused traumas. We don’t attempt to give answers, fix, diagnose, or treat grief. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

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