Dr. Sweta Vikram, PhD is a dedicated Doctor of Ayurveda, a globally renowned speaker, and an acclaimed author of 14 best-selling books.
The goal of her work is to alleviate stress and elevate the overall quality of her clients’ lives through Ayurveda-based health and wellness coaching. She specializes in addressing disordered sleep, anxiety, digestion, appetite, and mood.
I was so excited to talk to her more about Ayurveda, specifically, because this practice was a key focus as I was earning my Soul Purpose and Transformational Life Coaching certification.
Ayurveda has truly been transformative not only in coping with my grief and improving my overall health and wellbeing, but really in my own journey of finding my soul’s purpose and understanding how to move forward after loss. It led me to some major changes in my life, and I have no doubt it can open that door for you, too.
But even more than the Ayurveda piece of this puzzle, we get into so many beautiful topics around loss and navigating life with grief that will leave you uplifted and inspired.
Connect with Sweta:
Website: https://swetavikram.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/swetavikram/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Words.By.Sweta
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Loss-That-Binds-Us-Coping/dp/1615997997
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lossesbecomegains/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/losses.become.gains
Website: https://lossesbecomegains.com/
Shop the LBG Daily Journal: https://lossesbecomegains.com/journal
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