I’m so excited to introduce you to Patti LaFleur on the podcast today! She is the former care partner to her beautiful and sweet mom, Linda, who is all over her Instagram and is hands down the cutest thing to grace your feed! Linda had mixed dementia and died in 2022.

Not only that, much like me, Patti’s father also died just months before her mom passed. Her story is not only one of immense loss, but also inspiration, grace, gratitude, and finding a beautiful perspective on life after loss. Patti brings a wealth of knowledge after caring for both parents, volunteering with people with neurocognitive disorders, and as a community educator for the Alzheimer’s Association.
She is also a former educator with her Master’s in Instructional Leadership, is a Certified Dementia Practitioner, and so much more. Patti shares her mom’s journey and her story on social media to advocate for people living with dementia to change the stigma around the condition.
She also just launched her caregiver coaching and consulting business! From her parent’s deaths, she learned so much about finding selflessness, having patience, and having immense love. All of this and SO much more shines through her in this episode!
Where to find Patti:
Website: www.carepartnerpatti.com
Instagram: @misspatticake
TikTok: @carepartnerpatti
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